Effective Ways to Study English on Your Own

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Effective Ways to Study English on Your Own

Learning English is beneficial for so many reasons, not least because it opens up a whole new market for communicating with.

So whether you decide to learn English for the first time, or you realise that the time is now right to improve your English, there are practical tips you can follow to make additional learning via self-study a little more productive.

Here are some simple self-study tips for learning English:

Read and listen at the same time (to improve speaking and writing skills too!)

When learning English, there are four key skills that you need to work on: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The general consensus is that, although you do need to work on these four skills independently from time to time, any improvement you make in one skill will have benefits in

effective ways to study English

terms of the others. And if you can practise two skills at the same time, then even better!

Reading words and hearing the pronunciation of them at the same time has multiple benefits, from getting the correct pronunciation to understanding the correct rhythm of a sentence (as opposed to learning individual words without any combinations) and even improving vocabulary skills.

So how exactly can do you this?

The most obvious example would be to watch a movie or TV series in English and watch them with English subtitles on.

TED Talks are fantastic, and this particular TED site provides additional learning materials for people who are specifically learning another language.

Alternatively, you could listen to songs in English and then read the lyrics.

Use graded readers to build vocabulary skills

Graded readers are simplified (not necessarily simple) versions of novels that are written specifically for language learners in mind. Graded readers are available at different levels (starting from 1, which is the easiest) and as well as providing language that is suitable for your level, many offer additional exercises that test you on your understanding of the text you are reading and help you learn new vocabulary.

Not only can you improve your language skills, but you can also do it through the enjoyment of some of the world’s best literature. See what your local library has to offer, and of course, check out the extensive list of e-book options.

Listen passively to improve English vocabulary and listening skills

Every day we listen to things passively: that is, we hear the sounds, and can even be taking them in, but we are not necessarily concentrating entirely on what we are listening to. Think about listening to the radio.

ways to study English

Very often we have it on in the background, but we are not paying attention to every song that is playing and every word that is spoken. But it still leaves an impression, even subconsciously.
When learning English, both passive and active listening is important. Active listening would be at the heart of a conversation: responding to what the other person is saying.

But passive listening also teaches us plenty, from the rhythm and intonation of English to new vocabulary that we somehow retain for later.

So, while you are at home, surround yourself with English as much as possible. Use the wonders of the internet to listen to radio stations in English, select music to play in English, and even have TV channels playing in English.

You might be doing something else, but the English that you hear passively is still being absorbed to some extent, which is truly valuable.

Join in learning communities to practise talking in English fluently and confidently

Language is meant to be shared with others. So seek out people to speak to. If you are not living in an English-speaking country or somewhere where not many people speak English, then try online forums. There, you will find people who are in the same boat as you. Share experiences, ask questions, seek out tips and, above all, communicate! There is nothing like actually communicating to build confidence in speaking whatever language you are learning.

And once you have a language-learning partner, why not arrange a video call to help gain confidence in speaking even further?

Choosing to improve your English skills could just be the best decision you ever make, with communication listed as one of the core skills required in the future workforce, as identified by the World Economic Forum.

If you would like to study English, take a look at the courses we have to offer here.

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