What does it mean to be a good communicator in English?

What does it mean to be a good communicator in English

What does it mean to be a good communicator in English?

Being a good communicator in English is probably not what you think! We all have our own ideas: using perfect grammar, writing complicated sentences, sounding like a native speaker to name a few. But have you considered, there are other factors that may matter more? Join us on this journey of self-discovery, as we bridge the gap between what you think you need to do and what you should actually do to become a proficient communicator in English.

1) Communicating clearly doesn’t mean you have to be a grammar expert!

When it comes to being a great communicator in English, especially in multicultural teams, a lot of people think you have to be a grammar expert. Well, here’s the thing: being a good communicator isn’t all about having perfect grammar. Even native English speakers make grammar mistakes, but people still understand what they are saying!

The goal is being able to express yourself clearly; this includes connecting with others. Think about getting your message across in a way that makes sense, rather than stressing over every grammar rule. While grammar is important for clarity, being a good communicator does not mean having perfect grammar all the time. So, don’t worry if you make mistakes when speaking or writing in English. Focus on saying what you mean in the clearest way you can using the grammar you have.

Remember, nobody expects you to be a language expert. It is totally acceptable to ask questions and look for clarification if something isn’t clear. Communication is a two-way street, if you’re not sure about something, speak up! The important thing is that you are being a proactive team member who is not held back just because English is not your first language. Having effective communication skills is much more than having perfect grammar.

2) Writing in professional English

It is a common belief that using complicated vocabulary automatically makes your writing seem more professional. Using more formal ‘big’ words is professional, but in reality, being a great communicator is all about getting your point across in a clear and easy-to-understand way. Using language that communicates the meaning without misunderstandings is what you should aim for.

writing business English emails

The secret is to keep your writing short and clearly state your message. You are not expected to have memorised the dictionary. Believe it or not, native English speakers prefer to read something they can immediately understand rather than trying to decide what is meant. So, use shorter sentences and words you know. And don’t fall into the trap of quantity over quality.

Effective communication is all about being clear and to the point. You don’t need those never-ending, long sentences to get your message across. Nor do you need those ‘big’ words. In fact, if sentences are too long it can cause confusion and the message is lost. It’s the same with using words you’re a bit unsure of – they may have a different meaning than the one intended which can lead to problems going forward.

3) Sounding like a native speaker

Many English language learners tend to place a lot of importance on sounding like a native speaker, believing this makes them sound more fluent. English language fluency does not depend on your accent. Don’t make this mistake! As an English learner, you should focus on your pronunciation and not your accent. You could have a perfect English accent but if you don’t pronounce a word correctly people will struggle to get what you are saying. Your accent is your identity and part of your culture, be proud of it.

Now, forget about speaking with a native English accent! It’s more important that you are able to communicate in a way that your listener can understand what you want to express when you speak. This requires training your mouth and tongue to move in different ways, in order to produce new sounds. Get your articulation and pronunciation correct and you should have no problems. Imagine an English speaker stressing the wrong part of a word in your language. That word may become unrecognisable to you and the meaning of the sentence could be lost. The same thing happens in English.

When you’re learning a second or other language, communication is key, and the rest will come with time. Don’t overly focus on your accent and sounding like a native English speaker. And here’s something you may not know, lots of native English speakers love to hear English spoken in a different accent.

4) Culture differences matter in professional English

Cultural differences actually do matter when it comes to communication. It’s really important to have cultural awareness because it enables us to relate to people from other cultures and to build connections in a more meaningful way. We usually judge things from our own perspective, but we should recognise that other cultures may have different behaviours, beliefs, and values to ours. Misunderstandings and miscommunication can easily happen when you’re not mindful of how things are done in other countries.

When you’re culturally aware, it boosts your communication skills greatly and helps with your interpersonal communication. You become more sensitive to how people from different backgrounds think and behave. This helps you avoid unintentionally offending someone or sending the wrong message. You’ll be able to connect with people on a deeper level and build stronger working relationships and friendships that last.

Cultural awareness is key to effective communication. It helps you to navigate the diverse world we live in and prevents awkward situations. Being mindful of these differences gives you an advantage. And remember, just because something differs from our perspective, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Nobody’s culture is better than another’s.

5) Business communication is a set of skills you can learn

Believe it or not, having good communication skills isn’t a magical talent we are born with. They are skills that can be improved on over time. You can develop and enhance your communication abilities. It’s all about learning, practising, and getting some feedback along the way. Don’t worry if you feel like your communication skills aren’t as advanced as you’d like them to be. With some dedication and practice, you can become a natural communicator.

business English communication skills

Developing the way you interact with people takes time and effort. It’s not an overnight thing. You might stumble or feel a bit awkward at first. But that’s totally normal! Just keep at it, and you’ll see an improvement quicker than you think. When you work on your communication skills, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities. You’ll be able to express yourself more clearly and confidently. It’s like unlocking a door to another world that helps you connect with others, build relationships, and get your ideas across.

So, don’t hold back! Enjoy the journey of becoming a skilled communicator in English and experience the positive impact it has on your life.

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Authored by Fiona McLoughlin, AllTalk Training.

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